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Ian Smith Horticulture has over 30 years experience in the horticultural research and extension and Technical Consultation to major nurseries and cut flower growers globally. ISHC has acquired considerable experience in the nursery industry through extensive travel in USA, Canada, Europe, UK, China, Japan, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. ISHC has membership of industry associations including The Nursery and Garden Industry, Australia and scientific organisations worldwide including Institute for Horticultural Science and The Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia.
Nursery and Garden Industry Australia
International Society for Horticultural Science
TO CONTACT US: Or use the email form on the Contact us page
4 Pinewood Avenue
Ringwood East
Victoria, 3135

Mobile: 040 720 1789
Phone: 61 3 97201751
Fax: 61 3 9720 3751

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Ian Smith HortiCulture
Global Distributor of SuperCut Nursery Equipment